How to Easily Add a Google ReCaptcha to Your Elementor Form

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A Captcha is used to safeguard websites and online services against fraudulent activity including spamming, phishing, and hacking. A captcha can be added to an Elementor form to help prevent spam form submissions. This article will discuss how to add Google reCAPTCHA to your Elementor form.

Google reCAPTCHA

Google reCAPTCHA is a well-liked option among the many captcha plugins available. It protects websites against spam and abuse. It is easy for humans to solve, but not so easy for bots and other malicious software to comprehend. To use Google reCAPTCHA, you must register for a free API key.


Prerequisites for Adding Captcha

To add a captcha to an Elementor form, you must have Elementor Pro installed. Elementor Pro is a paid version of the popular Elementor page builder plugin for WordPress. It includes additional features and functionality, including the ability to add a captcha to forms.

Setting Up Google ReCaptcha Keys

Follow the steps below to set up captcha keys:

  1. Go to the Google reCAPTCHA website and sign in using your Google account.
  2. Register your website by providing the necessary information.
  3. Choose the type of captcha you want to use – Score-based (v3) or Challenge (v2).
  4. Enter the URL of the website under Domains.
  5. Submit and generate the site key and secret key.
  6. Go back to Elementor and open Settings > Integrations
  7. Paste the site key and secret key into the appropriate fields.
  8. Save your changes.


Add a Google ReCaptcha to Elementor Form

  1. Go back to your Elementor form and click on the appropriate Captcha field to open its settings.
  2. Once you have added a captcha to your Elementor form, you may want to style it to match your website’s design. Fortunately, Elementor provides several options for customizing the appearance of your captcha. In addition to these settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the appearance of your captcha further. This can be done by adding CSS code to the Custom CSS section of the Style tab.
  3. Save your changes and publish your page.


Once you have completed these steps, the captcha will be enabled on your Elementor forms. Remember to test your form after adding the captcha to ensure it works correctly.

Testing Captcha Functionality

Once the captcha is added to the Elementor form, it is important to test its functionality to ensure that it is working as intended.

One way to test the captcha is to submit the form with incorrect captcha information. This should result in an error message and prevent the form from being submitted. Users should then be prompted to enter the correct captcha information before being able to submit the form successfully.

Another way to test the captcha is to submit the form with correct captcha information. This should allow the form to be submitted successfully and any follow-up actions, such as sending an email or redirecting to a thank you page, should be triggered as expected.

It is also important to test the captcha on different devices and browsers to ensure that it is working across all platforms. This can be done by accessing the form on different devices and browsers and submitting the form with both correct and incorrect captcha information.

By thoroughly testing the captcha functionality, users can ensure that their Elementor forms are secure and protected from spam and bots.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Adding a captcha can be a very useful in securing your website and preventing spam submissions on Elementor forms. However, when using this feature, you may encounter a few frequent problems. To solve these, try these suggestions:

1. Captcha is not showing up

If the captcha is not showing up on your Elementor form, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure that you have added the captcha widget to your form. You can do this by dragging and dropping the widget from the Elementor widget panel onto your form.

If the captcha widget is already added to your form, try clearing your browser cache and reloading the page. This can sometimes fix display issues.

2. Captcha is not working

If the captcha is not working on your Elementor form, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure that you have entered the correct API keys for your captcha service. You can find these keys in your captcha service account.

If the API keys are correct, try disabling any other plugins or scripts that may be conflicting with the captcha. You can also try switching to a different captcha service to see if that resolves the issue.

3. Captcha is not validating

If the captcha is not validating on your Elementor form, there may be an issue with the form validation settings. Make sure that you have set up the form validation rules correctly. You can do this by navigating to the form settings in Elementor and selecting the validation tab.

If the validation rules are set up correctly, try disabling any other plugins or scripts that may be interfering with the form validation. You can also try switching to a different captcha service to see if that resolves the issue.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the most common issues when adding a captcha to an Elementor form.


In conclusion, configuring a captcha in WordPress is a simple process that helps protect your website from spam and abuse. By following the steps outlined in this section, you can easily add a captcha to Elementor forms in WordPress.

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